Student life consists of a lot of work, so downtime is more important than ever. Taking time to relax and kick your feet up for a while, enjoy a movie, or binge watch your favorite show can be a nice break from all the chaos. Sadly, the cost of streaming services isnโ€™t always student friendly, leaving those on a budget with less options than others.ย 

Showtime has been a premier movie channel for years, playing the latest big screen hits and some amazing series that many people enjoy. It used to be a cable add-on, reserved for customers with the all-inclusive package โ€” but no more. Showtime is available to stream on any device you like, letting you catch all your favorites easily in one place.

How To Get The Showtime College Student Discount

Students can get a great deal on Showtime by signing up for Spotify. With Spotifyโ€™s Premium Student plan, youโ€™ll have access to all your favorite tunes, plus a subscription to both Showtime and Hulu โ€” all for just $4.99 a month! Sound good? Sign up now and youโ€™ll even get your first month free.

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